Mental Wellness

What we should know about Mental Wellness:
• Your mental health is just as important as your physical health
• Mental health affects how we feel and act. Also, it affects how we handle life challenges including sickness and stress.
• It is vital that we protect and promote our mental well-being

“Mental health is the state of well-being in which the individual realizes his/her own abilities to cope with normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make contributions to his or her community” (WHO, 2022).

Mental illness on the other hand refers to a wide range of diagnosable mental health conditions that affects a person’s thinking, feeling, behavior or mood. Mental illness if often associated with distress and/or problems functioning in social, work, school or family activities.
• In the U.S more than 1 in 5 adults live with a mental illness condition, and 1 in 5 youths either currently or in their life have had some mental illness episodes.
• Mental illness does not discriminate
• Its okay to seek help.

Why is good mental health important?
Being mentally healthy does not mean the absence of illnesses such as depression, anxiety, PTSD. Instead, its characterized by the ability to:
• Cope with and manage changes and life uncertainties.
• Learn and participate in activities
• To feel, express and manage both negative and positive emotions
• Form and maintain good relationships with others

Factors that influence mental health.
Knowing factors that may influence your mental health can help you in seeking timely help and also assist your provider in deciding appropriate treatment interventions. Below are some of the factors that may influence your mental health;
• Poor physical health (chronic disease or terminal illness)
• Adverse Childhood Experiences
• Genetics
• Loneliness and isolation
• Grief and loss
• Abuse (physical, emotional, financial
• Trauma
• Substance abuse
• Bullying
• Stress
• Divorce and separation

What to look for:
• Withdrawn from people and activities
• Feeling very low over a period of time
• Mood changes
• Increased anxiety
• Social isolation
• Self-harming behaviors
• Changes in sleeping and eating habits
• Lack of interest in things they used to enjoy
• Changes in school performance

Negative impact of mental illness
• Decreased in productivity at work and home
• Cause alienation
• Anger and fear
• Risk for suicidal ideations
• Physical illness

Providing appropriate support.
Everyone occasionally feel sad or discouraged, which is practically normal. However, we should learn to embrace each other.
• Don’t judge or criticize a person in mental illness crisis
• Learn about mental health
• Be forgiving
• Listen attentively to the person
• Be patient and stay connected

Ways to maintain positive mental health.
• Talk about your feelings or write them down
• Get plenty of sunlight and exercise
• Eat balanced meals and get enough sleep
• Stay positive and practice self-care regularly
• Practice meditation regularly
• Surround yourself with people we bring joy and positive vibes to your life

Contact Serene Minds Behavioral Health for Comprehensive Psychiatric Care
At Serene Minds Behavioral Health, we are dedicated to providing compassionate and comprehensive psychiatric services, including psychotherapy and medication management, to patients of all ages in New Mexico. Whether you or your loved one are seeking support for mental health concerns and behavioral issues, our experienced team is here to help. Contact us to schedule an appointment. Let us be part of your journey towards comprehensive mental wellness

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